Bubó is a pâtisserie/cake shop with a fabulous reputation, particularly famous for it’s macaroons and chocolate cake which apparently once won ‘The World´s Best Chocolate Cake’.
I visited the original store in the Born area of Barcelona which opened in 2005, there are now several other branches in Barcelona and oddly one in Kuwait which opened last year.
From the moment I walked through the door I was in cake heaven. The cakes are stored in glass cabinets not dissimilar from the way rings are displayed in expensive jewellers. Some of the artistic creations are sublime and choosing which to order was incredibly difficult. Not least because we’d been busy stuffing our faces on tapas all day.
Being a big burger fan I couldn’t possibly not order the ‘Big Mac-aroon’. It looked amazing and tasted just as good. Comprising of a macaroon ‘bun’ complete with sesame seeds, filled with a ‘meat patty’ made from chocolate ganache, caramel sauce and even a slice of ‘cheese’. It was witty and clever but more importantly it tasted amazing too.

The ‘Lemon & Thyme Meringue’ was equally impressive. A sweet yet sharp lemon mousse sat upon a thin poppy seed biscuit base and topped with meringue, thyme and candied lime. The attention to detail was simply stunning.

Next a cute single pistachio flavoured macaroon on a square of pistachio cake with fresh strawberries. The flavour combinations worked well together and the macaroon was just perfect.

The ‘Raspberry & Chocolate’ creation featured an immaculately formed, tiny gold leaf topped profiterole.

Finally, I couldn’t resist ordering ‘The Best Chocolate Cake In The World’. I’ve no idea if it is or not but it’s defintiely the best I’ve ever eaten! The sheen on the chocolate icing was stunning yet inside was even better, a super soft olive oil based sponge cake with hints of vanilla. I loved the addition of the perfect chocolate macaroon on top too.

I can’t speak highly enough about the quality of Bubó, the attention to detail is quite stunning. If I hadn’t eaten so much already I would have happily spent much longer there and eaten twice as many cakes. Everything looked fantastic and the Born area appeared to be Barcelona’s answer to Manchester’s Northern Quarter. We ate in with coffees but also took 9 regular macaroons back with us which got a little battered along the way but tasted as good as anything in the shop. I’ll defintiely be factoring a return to Bubó into my next Barcelona trip.
Date Of Visit: 30.08.2013
It looks amaaaazing! I’d be there all day…
You would absolutely LOVE it! You have to go if/when you’re ever in Barca (or Kuwait!?)
‘The cakes are stored in glass cabinets not dissimilar from the way rings are displayed in expensive jewellers’ – who needs jewels when you have cake :)